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Introduce you to the method of cable sealing device

Information comes from:the Internet posted on:2022-03-01

The cable gland is a suitable power supply for connecting the cable and can also protect the cable, so it will not escape. Cable sealing devices are placed in different categories, depending on whether the glands are used in the general processing industry or need to be protected against the risk of excessive temperature or explosion. Cables incorporating glands are armored or unarmoured and a different type of gland will be required for each variety. The gland itself can be made of metal, such as copper or aluminum, or plastic. Each material is useful in different environments.
When the electrical work is completed, it may have no cable seal to ensure the wires of electrical equipment, but for the following reasons, this is a bad idea. Glands provide sealing power to ensure that cables do not slip during operation. Safety is also provided because glands ensure that electrical energy can not be attached to cables near anyone, causing personal injury. Glands usually provide other safety functions, such as grounding wires or insulated cables
There are two broad categories for cable sealing: Industrial and hazardous. Industrial cable sealing joint is a general-purpose gland to meet the requirements of general hazards, so it is useful for use in high-temperature environment or explosion hazard. If the environment is hazardous, use dangerous glands because these glands meet the necessary additional requirements. They are an additional reinforcement that enables them to resist temperatures and external forces that ordinary glands cannot withstand.
Two types of cables can be put into the cable gland, which is classified as armored or no armored layer, which will play the work of the gland and will pick up. Armored cables will require a gland that can be clamped to the wire and has the ability to terminate the energy from the armored part. Non armored wires do not require termination, but glands need to be highly protected and retained to keep wires safe.
Most cable gland units are made of brass, which is considered to be corrosion-resistant and conductive as a general material. In the presence of aluminum and water, brass can begin to corrode at the same time. Brass is often plated with other metals to make glands stronger and better corrosion protection. Plastics are often used as an alternative to metal glands.

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Main business: wholesale of surveying and mapping instrument accessories, imported total stations, electronic theodolite batteries, electronic theodolite wires and cables
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